Specializing in State and Local Government Contracts


Frequently Asked Questions

GovDirections LLC

Question? GovDirections provides answers (or call us at 800-492-8523).

Q. What services does GovDirections provide?

A. Simple. We provide research services. GovDirections monitors local, state and federal government agencies for contract opportunities on behalf of our members.

Q. Does GovDirections work with or on behalf of government agencies?

A. No. We are a private provider of research services. GovDirections is built like a cooperative. Our members share the cost of researchers rather than funding an in-house research team.

Q. How do GovDirections researchers learn about contract opportunities?

A. Our researchers agressively seek upcoming, active and awarded opportunities by monitoring government websites, procurement boards, public agendas, published budget documents, third party distribution sources, and other locations (over 27,000). We believe that public information should be made freely availalbe. Our members only pay for research services.

Q. How many opportunities are we talking about?

A. GovDirections generally has about 50,000 active bid listings (check your member home page for today's number). We average about 100,000 new listings each month.

Q. Why are local and state agencies so important to my government contracting business plan?

A. There are over 88,000 local and state government agencies in the United States alone accounting for more than 350,000 contract opportunities. In FY 2008, local and state agencies procured $307 billion. Local agencies alone spent $200 billion. Why would you not include local and state agencies in your plan? During the same fiscal year, 99.3% of federal spending went to just 1,000 companies. Not exactly the most competitive process available.

Q. How does GovDirections notify me of a potential opportunity?

A. Bids are published and available immediately through your member home page. Each morning we also send a daily alert notifying you of the previous day's opportunities that match your category and state preferences. We work hard to match you with the perfect opportunity. We have trained individuals ready to assist you with your preference settings.

Q. Are there any restrictions placed on my industry classifications?

A. No. Members have access to every classification.

Q. Cancellation, Terms of Service or Suspension of account?

A. Our goal is to keep you as a valued member and earn your business. Although we understand that sometimes you may need to cancel your service, that is why we do not require contracts. You may cancel at anytime prior to the next billing based on the type of subscription you chose at activation by emailing us at customercare@govdirections.com or you may cancel your recurring billings by clicking here (you must use the registered email). Although please note that we do not issue credits or refunds for unused time remaining on an account. Cancellations are processed on the date of the request, access will then expire at the end of the current paid term. You may transfer the remainder of any unused time to another person.
Our user agreement can be found at http://govdirections.com/pages/ua/

Q. What is the difference between GovDirections and third party publishing services like BidWink?

A. Third parties work for the government. Thus, you get what the government sends you. We only work for you. Thus, no conflict exists and we go after public information agressively. Don't be fooled. You are not required to pay for access to public information.


Contact us at (800) 492-8523 for more information.