Specializing in State and Local Government Contracts


About Us

GovDirections LLC

What makes GovDirections different? We are more than just a keyword search. We are an expansive research service designed to provide you directions on how to not only find, but win government bid and contract opportunities.

In 1998 our research staff began pulling together local, state and federal government bid opportunities. This allows our members more time to focus on winning new opportunity, rather than research. Sort of like a library full of books. A cooperative that saves tremendous amounts of time. Our length of service to tens of thousands of government contractors means we have an expansive database of information that you can readily access. Here are just a few benefits of subscribing:

Best of all, we're not an online scraping tool that merely regurgitates the same information daily. You'll find real live people with solid credential standing by to assist you with research questions. Our team has over 100 years of combined experience service in the business-to-government marketplace.

We really want to earn your business so call us at (800) 492-8523 for more information.

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